is an Adobe Illustrator illustration of Metop, Eumetsat's
polar satellite, due for launch in 2003. The gradient tool was used to
create the shadows and reflections of the gold plated spacecraft. |
cheesey Adobe Photoshop imaging for the book cover of a Eumetsat
training workshop held in Spain concerning the forecasting of imminent
meteorological Armageddon. Much hilarity was obtained at the office during
the removal, in Photoshop, of a hapless guard standing vigilantly outside
the Royal Palace of Madrid. |
The 1998 Eumetsat
St. Patrick's Day invitation, distributed by e-mail. |
The 1999 Eumetsat
St. Patrick's Day invite. A parody of the standard Eumetsat image of Earth.
"Fáilte", the name our our imaginary satellite, is Gaelic for "welcome". |